It’s that time of the year…finals. Well finals and Christmas! Let’s be honest all our minds are super stressed about finals, but we are all longing for winter break to come. These two weeks can honestly not go by fast enough.
I know life is stressful right now. We’ve all been there. It’s the time where every professor decides to assign us stuff all at the same time without regard to the fact that we all have multiple other classes and finals on our plate. Somehow we seem to always manage to get it done. It may require no sleep and lots of coffee, but somehow it all gets done.
Then something magical happens. All the work is done and we are free. It’s the most wonderful feeling in the world. We stand there and can’t even comprehend that it’s actually all over and we are free from homework, exams, and stress for a whole month. Then we pack up, go home, and collapse on our beds (at least I do).
With all this said, I implore you all to keep going. We got this! We will get through finals and come out the other end graduated or at least free from class for a month until spring semester starts. I know this time is stressful, but we’re all in this together. So keep your chins up and power through! We are so close!